Thursday, September 3, 2020

Ethernet system Essay Example

Ethernet framework Essay Robert Metcalfe with his colleagues at the Xerox Palo Alto examination Center ( PARC ) built up the trial Ethernet framework. Orchestrating to O’Reilly and partners ( 2000 ) the main goal of building up the Ethernet framework is to complect an individual workstation with graphical UI called Xerox Alto. The test framework was utilized so as to interface Altos what's more pressmans and servers. The frameworks interfaces signal check was designed in the Alto’s framework clock. This came about to 2. 94 Mbps. informations transmittal rate on the exploratory Ethernet. Ethernet was initially known as Alto Aloha Network. Alto Aloha Network was changed its name to Ethernet by Metcalfe to bespeak that the framework non only back up Alto’s however next to other processing machines. What's more, Metcalfe other than bring up that the Ethernet has advanced way past the Aloha framework. He picked the name ether as to delineate the basic trait of the framework which is the physical medium conveys spots to all Stationss a similar way as the aluminiferous core was one time accept to multiply There are two different ways which can be utilized to distribute the limit of transmittal media: baseband and broadband transmittals. We will compose a custom paper test on Ethernet framework explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Ethernet framework explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Ethernet framework explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Baseband transmittal designates the full limit of the medium to one conveying channel. It utilizes recognizable qualities by mensurating the electromotive power in wire which just conveyed one sign at a clasp. In broadband transmittal. the framework permits at least two imparting channels to parcel the data transfer capacity of the conveying medium. The framework utilizes the method of spliting the data transmission into frequence sets which is called frequence division multiplexing ( FDM ) which works just with equal signs. There is other than another strategy called time-division multiplexing ( TDM ) that underpins computerized signals. Figure 1. show the distinction among baseband and broadband transmittal way of activity: Figure 1. Distinction in the way of activity among baseband and Broadband transmittal is utilized in the web facilitating organizations. This is a direct result of the higher speeds of the broadband. With the use of broadband. individuals can luxuriate the full extent of the internet administrations like downloading picture. music. watching films and giving on-line games. Handsets have various speeds which are estimated in MHz what's more determined in frequencies. The bigger the estimation of the fiber core of the handsets. estimated in micrometers. there will be more transfer speed conceivable yet next to the separation will be shorter. The 1000 Base-LX is the long frequency with a flagging speed of 1. 25â ±100 ppm GBd. This handset can use both 62. 5 and 50 micrometer multimode fiber and it other than utilizes single-mode fiber visual abroad wires with separations of 440m. 550m and 5 kilometer. Another transreceiver is the 100 Base-TX which utilizes 4B5B twofold encoding to encode 100 Mbps informations waterway in a sign of 125 MHz. One support is utilized for passing on informations while the other support is utilized for having the data. Given this. one client can arrangement a framework for full duplex conveying given that there are simply interfaces in a similar hit circle. It is either the two registering machines are straight associated with one another by traverse abroad message or a figuring machine straight associated with a switch. Full duplex imparting result to copying the conceivable throughput however non much of the time arrived at more than the humble advancement. In view of Sheldon and Big Sur Multimedia ( 2001 ) . nexus assortment is the technique of connecting together at least two informations diverts so as to go an individual channel which shows up as a person. higher-data transmission intelligent nexus. Other than this aggregative connections can gracefully repetition and mix-up resistance if the connections follow diverse physical way. By partner the advanced lines. the nexus assortment improves the course to open networks. The assortment is other than use in try web to develop multigigabit spine joins. It other than permits the network’s grapple speed to turn continuously when the requests on the web increments without supplanting everything and buy new and costly equipment. Bearer Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance ( CSMA/CA ) convention was planned for neighborhood nation web ( LAN ) conditions where in all the hubs are situated scarcely any hundred pess from one another. The significance of the convention is to tune in up every hub to the directs in a brief time of clasp before it transmits. The central reason of the convention is that every hub ought to have the option to hear the transmittal from each other station. Be that as it may, this reason is damaged in course web and this came about to a few occupations. One of the genuine occupations experienced is the hidden sender work. This happens when the CSMA/CA can non work modestly because of a remote hub can non hear at least one of different hubs. What's more, when this occur. different hubs endeavor to pass on their informations simultaneously over the common informations along these lines resulting to obstruction with one another. To go to the hid sender work. the 802. 11 standard uses the convention appeal to send/clear to coordinate ( RTS/CTS ) . Prior to passing on each bundle. every hub transmit a RTS bundle to different hubs to caution them that it is going to pass on informations and after every transmittal. it communicates CTS bundle. This strategy is clasp and data transfer capacity devouring method and it is required for every single transmittal by every single radio hub. However, this methodology ledge does non go to the disguised sender employment to the full on the grounds that RTS/CTS bundles are exposed to rehashed hits. In many applications. the remote basis 802. 11b working at 2. 4 gigahertz is plentiful bounty. This remote rule is the generally broadly acknowledged standard among the three radio measures what's more the financial estimation of the gear is the least expensive as a result of the lifting interest for the 802. 11g. Its separation will trust to a great extent on the specialized gadgets whether it have line of site or non. What's more, with less deterrents among the transmission and having gadgets. there will be better radio association and henceforth much better web surfboarding. The 802. 11b remote basis is acceptable bounty if using remote way or dish point simply for the internet use in light of the fact that the association with web by means of broadband modem works about 2mbps which is truly quick. The 802. 11b transportation informations at the pace of 11mbps which is adequate for web use. This gadget gets a good deal on hardware and gives extraordinary web surfboarding administrations. Another remote model being utilized is the 802. 11g rule. It is supplanting the broadly acknowledged measure which is the 802. 11b in light of the fact that both work on a similar frequence and the fiscal worth radically goes down on stocks. This model is much extremely like 802. 11b on the grounds that it other than regularly needs a line of site to achieve optical open introduction. The two standards. 802. 11b and 802. 11g work at a similar frequence extent of 2. 4ghz and are between operable with one another. All the gadgets of 802. 11g can pass on with 802. 11 gadgets and the central favorable position of the 802. 11g gadgets is that when reassigning records betweens registering machines or networks. it is regularly at a more prominent speed. It is prescribed to use 802. 11g while using remote association with reassign documents ( informations records. voice. music. also, picture ) around the spot and office. 802. 11g model other than permits producers to created gadgets which work at speed of up to 108mbps on the grounds that it suggested while reassigning huge informations or sound records inside LAN. Wi-Fi Protected Access ( WPA ) is a security building that is utilized in remote web. This was made by an industry exchange bunch called the Wi-Fi Alliance which possesses the trademark for the name Wi-Fi and ensures stocks that bear the name. WPA was made so as to reaction on the genuine failings of the old framework. the Wired Equivalent Privacy ( WEP ) furthermore to better the trademark and encoding attributes of the WEP. It executes greater part of the IEEE 802. 11i and proposed to take topographic point the topographic purpose of WEP. It was structured so as to work with all radio web interface cards however non with first coevals radio dish point. Fleeting Key Integrity Protocol ( TKIP ) is one of the key engineerings behind WPA which manages the encoding failings of the WEP. Other than the WAP have worked in trademark which is a cardinal constituent. The WAP utilizes the RC4 waterway figure which has a 128-piece key and a 49-piece low-level organizing vector ( IV ) . With the mix of the TKIP and the RC4 conduit figure ; this illuminates the activity of cardinal recuperation invasions which was found in WEP. In add-on. the WPA gives significantly better warhead solidarity. WPA utilizes a more made sure about message trademark codification ( MAC ) however adjacent to named as MIC which represent message solidarity codification which is a calculation Michael . MIC incorporates a casing counter hindering rematch invasions. With the attributes of the WPA like holding expanded size of the keys and IV’s. decreased figure of bundles sent with related keys and including of a made sure about message affirmation framework. it is unquestionably increasingly difficult to hinder in inside the framework. There is one vacillation in WPA which is known as the WPA pre shared cardinal ( WPA-PSK ) . which is other than known as close to home way. This was intended for place and littl

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Electric and Music industries limited Essay

â€Å"EMI† or Electric and Music enterprises restricted is a British music organization established in 1931 because of a monster merger of two organizations in particular the UK Columbia Graphophone organization and Gramophone organization. At first it was engaged with production of recording and playback hardware and arrangement of music to play in its machines. EMI Group Plc includes two significant organizations I. e. EMI music situated in Kensington, London England and EMI distributing situated in New York. EMI is one of the four music organizations on the planet. The other three are Sony BMG, Warner gathering, and Universal music gathering. As we will see Terra Firma, capital accomplices presently own EMI since august 2007. This difference in possession was a result of extreme decrease in deals and a gigantic misfortune to the tune of 2000 million pounds in 2006/20007 money related year (http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/03_06/b3819058. htm? chan=search). This change saw a few craftsmen leave EMI including Radio head, Sir Paul McCartney among others. The takeover additionally observed Guyhands, the new proprietor acquire new rebuilding approaches to lessen the work costs by 200 pounds. This was to be accomplished by slicing up to 200 specialists out of the 5000 or more EMI work power (http://www. cornerc. com/emi. htm). At first EMI studied the assembling of gramophones, which went on effectively for a time of 40 years. Be that as it may, during and after the world war two they wandered in the assembling of radar gear and guided rockets. They later started to fabricate broadcasting types of gear with BBC being their principle clients. They utilized gifted designers a model such was Godfreys Hounsefield who thought of the main filtering machine, utilized in clinical imaging. EMI’s vital decisions Despite the fact that EMI was built up along time prior, a marker that it had cut itself a specialty in the music creation industry, it needed to think of standard techniques to keep up its situation in the market. This was additionally important to remain in level with its business rival e. g. Warner music gathering and others. In any business, it is compulsory that to get an enormous piece of the pie a maker must create quality items. This part of value is the thing that clients search for and along these lines EMI set out on delivering quality and effective items through the work of talented work power, for example, engineers. For example the re talented and capable specialists who ensured that quality and proficiency was not traded off. Another significant instrument EMI used to push out its rivals was by marking contracts with well known craftsmen. It program of specialists included both neighborhood and global craftsmen who discharges new collections once in a while. These standard discharges caused EMI to offer its clients a wide wrath of music decisions. Emi kept putting vigorously in the absolute best tune composing guidelines over the world. Nearby craftsmen incorporated the Beetle Boys, Nora Jones. Lenny Krawtz, among others while specialists from different areas included Japan’s Noriyoku Matiara, Latin American’s Marissa Monte, mainland Europe’s Raffael, Diam among numerous others. These best gifts empowered EMI to augment all potential income openings. Because of hypercompetitive nature of the music business, EMI has consistently been keeping watch to stay official in the business. This, they have accomplished by settling on methodical choices, observing the choice impacts, and altering where important. EMI’s quick, proficient and adaptable business insight group draws these procedures. Through this knowledge group, EMI had the option to leave on encouraging another design for selling its items. They connected with an IT firm, Avanade who effectively planned a web administrations arrangement. This new engineering caused EMI to make the most of one of a kind intuitive showcasing openings, which offered an upper hand when marking new specialists. EMI has likewise toiled energetically in making of new items, organizations, channels, and new associations as a genuine serious device over its opponents. For example, EMI differentiated its dissemination channels by presenting advanced web based selling. This has enhanced the physical selling strategy. True to form, this web based selling has assisted with reducing the expenses of delivery, and offered an incentive to its customers’ dollars. Another upper hand of this strategy is that it’s dynamic, secure, and it’s adaptable for simple augmentation to new E-trade business innovation activity (http://www. avanade. com/clients/casestudy. aspx? id=39). EMI has likewise centered around making of alluring music substance and making it accessible where shoppers need it, when they need it, and in the arrangement, they need it. This has helped them to expand the requests for its craftsman works. Of more significance is the enhancement of its item go, which has been a normal exercise as a major aspect of their business items. New corporate associations have been made and accordingly making EMI’s music accessible in excess of 56 nations. Nonetheless, this market enhancement has represented a more noteworthy test because of growing of both physical and computerized robbery. Be that as it may, through a progression of effective legitimate suits the organization has gained ground in fighting corrupt privateers. Another apparatus EMI keeps on utilizing so as to expand its universal market is by setting up right connections on the correct terms. This has made them to be in the fore front of the music business and there fore abusing new items and potential outcomes that computerized advances brings e. g. this creative computerized approach, saw EMI music produce the first historically speaking collection accessible on I-tunes. A pointer of how EMI music is abusing new open doors that advanced advances brings (http://bulletin. online journals. com/billboardpostplay/2005/06/sales_and_marke. html) . Through these computerized developments, EMI music has in this manner wandered in a wide topographical district with adventures in N. America, Japan, Continental Europe, Latin America, Australia, and in S. East Asia. In this areas EMI music has gone into joint endeavors with neighborhood organizations, making its items to be broadly acknowledged by local people, a wonder, which could have been the other way if EMI music chose to go all alone. These worldwide endeavors have been fruitful on the grounds that British had numerous states over the globe. In this way, it has been anything but difficult to advertise EM items in the province nations (http://www. ybase. com/detail? id=1025595). EMI constrained is currently one of the four driving organizations after Universal music gathering, Warner music gathering and Sony BMG. Hence, measures to ensure it and make it feasible solid in the music business advertise must be shown up at. His measures are only for security as well as for building the organization further. A case of such measure was EMI’s strong proposition move to purchase its music rival Warner gathering. EMI contended that this move won't just chop down the expense of superfluous rivalry yet in addition will increase the value of the organization share an incentive in the London stock trade advertise. Warner on its side didn't take the proposition emphatically. EMI has likewise contributed massively on escalated showcasing and advancement through joint effort with cell phone makers e. g. T-versatile which utilizes EMI music as its ring tunes. What's more, EMI music has gone into contracts with sponsors and media houses as a method of enhancing its income openings. Another achievement EMI has accomplished in ensuring its piece of the pie is by legitimate utilization of copyrights and henceforth diminishing theft. Basic achievement factors So as to accomplish all the above procedures and destinations, EMI needed to think of a progression of practices. These practices, which are at the end of the day alluded to as basic achievement factors, incorporated the accompanying; building up a particular methodology towards its rundown of specialists, which are its primary resources. Additionally making consistence interest in craftsmen with long haul transporter potential and boosting its neighborhood and worldwide deals. Another factor was getting in organization with willing music organizations over the world. This methodology was viewed as the main way EMI items would be promptly acknowledged by clients all around. From EMI’s money related and execution information, it is clear that to some broaden they made these progress methodologies. This is unmistakably appeared by the quantity of undertakings it went into the globe e. g. in Asia, Australia, North and South America among numerous different spots. What's more, the program of specialists partnered to EMI says a lot about this. It s clear then that EMI’s methodologies and targets were a lot of fitting at first. This is the explanation with regards to why EMI has been fruitful for a significant stretch. The methodologies were in accordance with its assets and abilities. EMI’s recourses and capacities It is apparent that the long haul EMI’s achievement didn't simply come with a royal flair, it was occasioned by; escalated speculation of capital, serious showcasing and advancement, eager endeavors by its gifted and capable laborers, normal discharging of collections by its long list of specialists, and in conclusion winning harmony and dependability in numerous nations it wandered into. In any case, the primary resource towards the help of EMI’s methodologies was their huge quantities of craftsmen who were honored with massive genuine melodic ability. These specialists discharged new hits from time to time and accordingly this made EMI to be continually in business, consequently its development to abroad market. EMI being an organization that began back before the beginning of the world war two has a superior potential for success regarding upper hand from its opponents. This is so in light of the fact that its long time nearness in music creation industry makes it to have fabricated a notoriety with new and old craftsmen. Long time nearness in music industry makes it to be mainstream with its clients and hence its volume o

Friday, August 21, 2020

What Is Your History With Journalism Example For Students

What Is Your History With Journalism? Q To start with, what is your history with news coverage? An I started chipping away at my secondary school paper 2 or 3 years before graduation. I was a news coverage major as an undergrad in school. I worked for a few paper during my school years. I went into the Navy after I moved on from school. The vast majority of my time spent in the Navy was chipping away at All Hands Magazine, which is the Navy’s individual distribution. Also, I was outsourcing for various papers by then. At the point when I escaped the Navy, I took a shot at my Doctorate qualification and found a new line of work showing reporting at The University of Alabama. I remained there for a long time, during which I worked for two or three papers. Some were low maintenance for various stuff. I left Alabama in 2003 and went to Emory, Virginia for a long time. In 2006, I moved to Knoxville. Q What was the average, or most well known configuration of media during your time? For instance, was print very well known, or perhaps radio? An I’m not certain I can answer that explicitly. I was keen on print. I was keen on papers. So That was generally noticeable for me. Q Do believe that has changed? An It likely wouldn’t be print since that has subsided. However, I like to compose and I like to report and I like to do the things related with what we used to think as print. Q Speaking of the configuration of media, destinations like Buzzfeed and Huffington Post appear to promote the utilization of â€Å"to the point† news-casting rather than â€Å"long form† composing. Which do you like, both as a maker and a collector? An I’m not certain I incline toward one over the other. They have their utilization and appel to specific individuals. What we attempt to show understudies both with the goal that they can settle on a decent decision there. I feel that is one of the manners in which news-casting is changing on the grounds that we are moving from something that used to be very media-explicit to getting something on your electronic gadget, there might be an assortment of ways you might be understanding that news source. Q Do you think â€Å"to the point† news coverage is the media design of tomorrow? An I suspect as much. I think individuals need stories, they need news. We have sort of have had them in a similar gathering, yet they are isolating as they likely should. Q If things being what they are, will the media world lose a certain â€Å"high quality essence†? An I don’t realize that I at any point became tied up with the â€Å"high quality† stuff. Papers have been around for quite a while with great news coverage. They additionally did truly shotty news coverage. I witnessed both. I don’t think it involves the medium. I think it involves how much consideration they take in the news. Q Even however no type of media, even messages, has ceased to exist, many accept that print news coverage is on out. Do you concur? Why? An I would differ in light of the fact that print has it’s employments. Print used to be the main medium. What has occurred over the most recent 15 years is that we have seen this extreme change. Your news-casting doesn’t must be in print any more extended to exist. Print is most likely going to be around for some time. Print has become really costly contrasted with some different things now, where it used to be genuinely modest. What we ought to consistently be worried about is the substance, not the medium. Q If it were to capitulate to the electronic media, would anything be lost? Or then again would the news-casting industry work similarly as effectively and effectively? An I have made the contention that the speedier papers cease to exist, the better news coverage will be, on the grounds that we would at long last be compelled to exploit the mediums online offers. At this moment, most print papers are as yet working in a print sort of world. They don’t comprehend that they could accomplish such a great deal more. Along these lines, I think a great deal of things are going to change in light of the innovation. Q As a teacher, you train youthful personalities to get ready for the news-casting industry. Do your strategies for instructing, or what you educate, change definitely throughout the years as media is enhanced? A We have consistently needed to give extraordinary measures of consideration to the innovation, whatever innovation we are utilizing. At the point when I began as a news-casting major, I needed to demonstrate that I could do essential composing abilities in light of the fact that not every person could do that. I am certain there are individuals of a past age who were stating â€Å"Why should you figure out how to type?†. In this way, we have consistently followed the innovation. We have consistently needed to focus on ensuring our understudies had a mechanical standard or standard. I presume it will consistently be the situation. Q Do you urge understudies to seek after this field, despite the fact that it has a notoriety to be one of the most serious fields? A Why not? It has consistently been serious. It is never offered incredible financial prizes. Individuals get into it since they find different prizes. The profession ways that understudies have now are entirely different than what I had, and they appear to be progressively intricate. Q What counsel do you provide for your understudies about the future, or the vulnerability, the news coverage industry? An Uncertainty implies that there are bunches of chances there. On the off chance that you are searching for steadiness, find an administration line of work. On the off chance that you are innovative and have an energy for things that writers do, at that point by all methods seek after it. There are loads of chances out there. I truth, I think there are parcels for circumstances now than when I was graduating. For example, when I was an undergrad news coverage major, neither I nor any other person even idea they could be a distributer of anything. What's more, presently, I am showing my senior level class how to distribute and be their own distributer. Along these lines, I simply think the open doors are there. .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 , .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 .postImageUrl , .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 , .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0:hover , .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0:visited , .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0:active { border:0!important; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0:active , .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0:hover { murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ubed851db4c7 16fb052896176f8621ab0 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ubed851db4c716fb052896176f8621ab0:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Meningitis : What Is The History Of The Disease, Where Was It First Discovered? We will compose a custom paper on What Is Your History With Journalism? explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now

Sunday, June 14, 2020

How My Daughter Won A $500 Scholarship

A note from Jocelyn: I am often asked what inspired me to start The Scholarship System. Honestly, it started off as a solving a need. I had friends and family trying to find a way to pay for college without borrowing more money for it. They knew I had gotten enough scholarship money to pay for my entire degree (plus some) so they approached me about it. After sounding like a broken record enough times, I decided to put the information I shared into what is known today as The Scholarship System, my 6-step system for securing scholarships for college. Now that Ive been teaching The Scholarship System for a while, my motivation is 10x stronger because of stories like the one I am about to share with you. Below is a blog post from a parent just like you trying to find a way to pay for college without zeroing out their retirement or burying their children in debt. And the best part is that he, as well as his children, are willing to take action. I didnt know Nick and his family personall y but one day I received this email:And thats when I was quickly reminded of my inspiration to start The Scholarship System because of stories like this. While it may be only $500 today, the best part of this is that his daughter now realizes its possible. All it takes is one scholarship to spark the fire. It was a $500 scholarship that stopped me from giving up. And what youll learn is that it was just a few golden nuggets that made all the difference for his daughter.So with that, here you go. Here is just one of our many stories of families who have been able to find some free money for college. Hopefully this sheds light on some helpful tips for your family. At the very least, I hope it inspires you and your family to take action. Enjoy!Jocelyn PaonitaFounder of The Scholarship SystemP.S. There was no incentive or reward for Nick writing this. He simply wanted to help other families by sharing his story.*Originally posted at ip/.**UPDATE: Since posting this, Nicks daughter has won 2 additional scholarships for $2,000 each, now totaling $4,500! See his post in our private Members-only Facebook Group below:Nicks Story:15 minute read.I have a fascinating story to tell about something that happened to my daughter not too long ago. She recently won a scholarship for writing an essay, which was super exciting to hear! But the story of how and why this happened started much earlier, and took us all by surprise.Let me take you back two years ago. In 2015, my wife, daughter, and I were invited to attend the annual scholarship award ceremony at the local high school. My daughter was about to graduate, and we knew she had been chosen to win something, but we didnt know what or how much.I remember having a feeling of such dread walking in there, and not knowing whether my daughter would receive anything that made a significant difference to her college bill or not. Whatever happened, we didnt want to walk out of th ere disappointed.My hope was that she would maybe get $1000, possibly as much as $2000 total in scholarship money. Whatever we could get was fine with us, but we knew the competition was fierce. She had a great academic record, and worked hard in sports and band during her whole high school career. But I didnt think she would qualify for anything like a full ride.A Painful Reality About College TuitionI just knew that her total college bill would be somewhere in the neighborhood of at least $64,000, even for a State university, and that was just for undergrad tuition! She was in competition with dozens of other students from her class whod also been invited to the awards ceremony. There was only so much money to go around.By the end of the evening, we learned that she had only been awarded $700. It was for a Presidents award from the school she was planning on attending. After that, we thought Well, I guess $700 is better than nothing. But secretly, I was crushed. My heart sank know ing how much wed have to pay over the next 4 years, and my wife was not feeling good about it at all.Im sure other parents were feeling and thinking the same thing that night How am I going to pay for my childs college education? There was an unmistakable air of doom and gloom that hung so heavy and thick in the school auditorium that night, you could slice it with a knife. People were there for one thing only, to compete against each other for scholarship award money.Fast forward to October 2016. My daughter is now a Sophomore in college, and my son has just started his senior year in high school.This is where the story gets really interesting.Ever since my daughter started college in the Fall of 2015, its been a roller coaster ride to say the least, trying to get her tuition paid on time while trying to wrangle our other finances, raise our children, pay the bills, and still be able to eat, and have a decent quality of life.I got sick of trying to make ends meet with just my salar y. The thought of college expenses loomed over my head day and night, putting stress and pressure on everything else. Besides, my son was also going to graduate soon from high school, and he would be facing the same issues.I thought There has to be a better way to pay for college. I have to do something about this now!Thats when I began looking for books, guides, and other resources on how to pay for college without taking out loans or draining my savings and retirement accounts.I found a bunch of resources pertaining to scholarship searches, how to pay for college, and stuff claiming to be the best tips and tricks.They were okay, but what they wrote mostly about was either general information on different ways to pay for college, or they told stories about themselves and things they did. They didnt exactly have actionable steps or a complete system that anyone could use.So I started to take a serious look online for advice on how to find scholarships for my kids. I also read books by authors who provided scholarship lists and directories, but they were just long lists to sift through and there wasnt really any guidance.Thats when I stumbled on The Scholarship Systemby Jocelyn Paonita.At first I thought, This is just a scam like all the rest! This stuff doesnt really work. Its just old rehashed information from decades of the same tired old stuff you see, like on late night infomercials.But then I went to Amazon, and read the reviews of her book. I was fascinated by what I read, but I did not buy the book. I went to her website and thought it wouldnt hurt to subscribe to her mailing list. Soon after that, I signed up and got an email to attend her free webinar, where she shared a lot of great detailed information.Then I downloaded her free resource guide on writing essays, started reading her blog posts, and also downloaded her Scholarship System workbook. I started getting regular notifications when new posts were published and when she released special offer s. Her blog articles were highly engaging and extremely helpful.I immediately passed on the blog article links and PDF guides to my son and daughter.She talked about things like keyword searches I was not aware of,how to write essays in a specific format, what to watch out for on the FAFSA, when to apply for scholarships, and specifically what to focus on early in your high school career to make your scholarship applications more appealing to businesses and foundations.Some of this stuff I knew already, but much of it was completely new, and some things I had never even thought of before. I was not only able to learn new methods and techniques, but also confirm what I already knew. I thought, if her free stuff is this good, just imagine how good her book and online courseis!I kept getting regular emails and reading her blog posts when suddenly I received an email from her that said Im making a special offer available to you. Download my action guide and Ill give you my audio book fo r free.By this time, it was in November 2016, and Id been searching for scholarship guides and tips for months. I thought Whoa! I have to listen to this!I listened to the book in its entirety, and then immediately emailed the link to my daughter at college. Now, as busy as my daughter is, I thought there was no way she would have time to listen to this book. I mean she has a full class load every semester, is highly involved in Cross Country and Track and Field, AND works a part-time job at the campus coffee shop to help pay for tuition and expenses.I never heard back from her by phone or email, and had no idea if she even looked at the scholarship resources I sent. So I just assumed she was too busy, and wrote it off. I didnt want to bug her about it if she didnt have time.Then my son and I made a point to sit down together and listen to the whole book. Along the way, we stopped at specific spots to review main points and things that stood out as extremely valuable, in addition to taking lots of notes on new tips we learned.This is all leading up to what happened with my daughter next.Fast forward to February 2017. A couple of weeks ago, my daughter called me from college and said she won a $500 scholarship! My first reaction was Wow, thats amazing! How coincidental that my son and I were working on the exact same thing. My next question was How did you do that?!Then she told me she remembered some tips that shed learned from the audio book I sent her. She was talking about The Scholarship System. Here I thought she dismissed the whole thing and didnt have time to look at it. Apparently it intrigued her enough to check it out. Later she told me that she was listening to it on her smartphone during slow stretches at the coffee shop. I thought, wow cool!She said she remembered the part in Chapter 3 where Jocelyn said I highly suggest going to your guidance office and asking to see any scholarships they are aware of. I think you will be surprised at how many the re are. If you are already in college or once you get to college, you can do the same thing with two different offices. One is the Financial Aid Office which services all students on campus and then you should have a counselor specifically designated to your department or major who will know of even more scholarships. Make sure you talk to both offices to find out about potential scholarships.The Gold NuggetBecause she remembered hearing this particular passage in the audio book, it must have planted a seed in her brain that she should check every so often for scholarships. She already knew about the Financial Aid Office. That was the most obvious place to look.But what she didnt know before listening to the book was that she needed to check with her program director. She only knew about this particular scholarship because she made a point to stop in and ask! This was the gold nugget she needed.Here is a quote from my daughter that she wrote in an email to me: I stopped in to see my program director and she told me the school was offering a scholarship essay contest for students taking liberal arts classes. I dont even have a Liberal Arts major, but I thought Id give it a try anyway. They sent me a PDF with a link on where to sign up, and I just followed the directions from there.How to Write a Winning Scholarship EssayShe also remembered reading the document that I sent to her back in November 2016 that talked about Jocelyns 3 Steps to Writing a Winning Essay. This was the PDF titled Resource Guide: The Only 3 Steps You Need to Write a Scholarship Winning Essay QUICKLY.The most fascinating part about this whole story are the conditions my daughter was under while trying to write the essay. She was at an indoor track meet with noise all around her, typing away madly on her iPad, while only having 3 hours of sleep the night before.Here is the first page of her scholarship essay:And it goes on for 4 pages. This essay was really good for someone who was running o n almost no sleep and distracted by a crazy amount of noise at an indoor college track meet. She also wrote the essay on the day of the deadline because she only recently found out about it. She submitted her application only hours before it expired. Talk about a close call!The point of this whole story was to show that my daughter was not a scholarship expert. She wasnt even looking for scholarship opportunities, especially after she started college. But because she listened to The Scholarship Systemaudio book and looked at the worksheets, she had a better idea of what to do and had more confidence to do it,despite the fact that she was lacking sleep and concentration, and under an enormous amount of pressure.I am not getting paid to say any of this. This is just how it happened, and Im writing about it because I want to let you know that The Scholarship Systemworks!You may notice on the scholarship application image I posted on this page that the winning recipients are to be notif ied in Spring 2017 and recognized in April 2017. In this case, she was notified early of her award which was an added bonus for me, because then I didnt have to wait until April to write about it.The Future Now Looks BrighterMy son is now taking the example set by his sister, and has recently found over a dozen relevant scholarship applications, using Jocelyns awesome search techniques. He is now in the process of writing essays and gathering requirements for these scholarships, so that he will be fully prepared and able to submit them before the deadlines.Some of the tips from The Scholarship Systemthat he found particularly useful are:Writing about his work experiences as a paper carrier, harvester at the local berry patch, and laborer on his Grandparents farm.Writing about his volunteer experiences with cleaning up neighborhoods, helping residents at the local nursing home, and working at local 5K races and track meets.Describing how being a trumpet player in band has given him a strong work ethic and an outstanding foundation in music education.Focusing on scholarships that pertain to specific experiences in his life or the lives of his relatives (particularly with his grandmother having Alzheimers Disease, and his uncle having pancreatic cancer).Keeping track of all relevant scholarships in Google Docs, which includes website links, deadline dates, when he submits an application, and the essays he writes.I cant wait to see what kinds of opportunities there are for my son and daughter in the next few months. They have a great outlook on the future now that theyve learned a ton of valuable information for finding and winning scholarships, but especially because they now have the tools they need to do this over and over again.Best of all, a mountain of stress is now lifted from my shoulders, knowing that my kids are benefiting from this excellent information, and that they dont have to rely on government loans or financial help from their parents. They now h ave a plan and they can apply these principles to any number of scholarships out there.Thank you [The Scholarship System]!Pin104RedditShare1 Comment

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay Texas Toll Roads - 1238 Words

Texas Toll Roads - an examination of tolling and alternate measures Nothing that has occurred in the last several years in Texas has been quite as controversial as the new and increased usage of toll roads for new road construction. We have heard many statements that the toll roads are being built as a money-making system for the state (and the Department of Transportation). Statements have also been made to the effect that the state is selling the state, one length of roadway at a time; that the current roads could be maintained by the state, with current state funding levels. The main complaint is that the roads of Texas have always been free, and should continue to be free. But are these arguments correct? Texas Roads have†¦show more content†¦As well, the money which is currently being gathered to fund road maintenance and building in Texas, is not all going to road maintenance or building. At this time, 18.4 cents is gathered as a federal gasoline tax, and 20 cents is gathered as a state gas tax. However, the federal tax is sent to Washington, and we only receive back 87 cents of every dollar sent (the rest goes to other states). As an example of this, Rhode Island gets back $2.10 for every dollar in gas tax that they send to Washington. For the state gas taxes gathered, it is even worse. Of the money gathered by the state, almost 1 billion dollars is sent to other state agencies (such as the Department of Public Safety, Education, and other state colleges and state parks).3 This money is regulated by the state government to go to these other agencies, which detracts from the department of transportation’s ability to handle road maintenance. So, even before taking into account the increases due to inflation, the budget of TxDOT is decreased by $1 billion dollars (almost half of which goes to the state’s educational system). The state is selling itself, one length of roadway at a time. People seem to want to believe that the state is givingShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Car Accidents1276 Words   |  6 PagesSince the creation of automobiles in 1769, the number of cars on the roads has drastically increased and with it the number of car accident. In the United Stated there have been a total of 32,719 car accident; in the year 2013 that either did or did not involve pedestrians or cyclist. The overcrowding of streets and large number of car accidents can be attributed to the large influx of cars. While the number of accident in Texas is high standing at 3,382 as of 2013; a large amount; 10% of those accidentRead MoreThe States Transportation System2010 Words   |  9 PagesOne of the challenges that the Texas government is failing to keep up with is the state’s transportation system due to the increased population. From 2000-2010 the population has grown by over 4 million people. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Unity in Diversity Skit - 1003 Words

Good morning to one and all. We all know that India is not only known for technology industries but also because of it’s variety of people, numerous languages, multiple customs and traditions; different races with different faces and marvelous landscapes. These always project India among other countries like â€Å"unity in diversity†. Most of us never know about northern states and North Indians like vise- versa but yet we join hands to support any sensational news created by media like Anna Hazare’s corruption movement. We never know how many languages are exiting in our country. There are about 28 states each have its own language, tradition, culture but inspite of these differences India still continues to be one of the most widen†¦show more content†¦We are making joker here (He sit on the chair.) (Tamil student enters) Milind: Sir, Rombana Ambku Romba Assasa Padini Assan Sunn. Teacher: So you are here to learn English? Milind: Uriya Sir? Teacher: You are here to learn English.. Milind: Uriya Sir? Teacher: Sit down (He sit on his chair) Teacher: No No This is my seat go and sit there. Bhawna: Is this class for English? Teacher: Ya Sit down Ghazal: Sir g ram ram. Teacher: Go and take ur seat (Maharashta enters) Sumit: Namaste Sir Teacher: y are u so late? Sumit: Nice to meet you to..(By hugging) Teacher: Ok Ok go and sit down. So I am Mr. Rao amp; I will be teaching u English. But before that I need ur names. (Teacher to Tamil) Teacher: What’s ur name? Milind: my name is Rajnikant†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Rajnikant Ramranjan†¦.Srinivaasan Rajnikant Ramranjan†¦.Venkateshwar Srinivaasan Rajnikant Ramranjan. Teacher: Ok Ok I think Rajnikant will be easy. (Teacher to Shreyans) : Why r u relaxing? Shreyans: Sasriakal Sir g..I am not relaxing I am Daljeet Singh. Teacher: ok ok (Teacher to sakshi) : Whtas ur name? and why did u wnt to learn english Sakshi: My name is Jaspreet kaur.I will learn English and fly to Canada. Teacher: Canada.. why? Sakshi : Sir u know I am matric pass. I know all English. You know see A B C D†¦Z Teacher: Gud..Sit down. (Teacher to Rashi): So tell me ur name? Rashi: My name is Barkha. Teacher: what u do? Rashi:Show MoreRelatedUnity in Diversity Skit1003 Words   |  5 Pagesfor technology industries but also because of it’s variety of people, numerous languages, multiple customs and traditions; different races with different faces and marvelous landscapes. These always project India among other countries like â€Å"unity in diversity†. Most of us never know about northern states and North Indians like vise- versa but yet we join hands to support any sensational news created by media like Anna Hazare’s corruption movement. We never know how many languages are exiting in ourRead MoreThe Native American Iroquois Communities Essay1619 Words   |  7 PagesAmericans were the first inhabitants of the region we now call New York State. 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Managerial Economics in Global Environment†

Question: Discuss about the Managerial Economics in Global Environment. Answer: Introduction: US housing sector crisis is one of the most dared crisis that the world economy has ever faced since the great depression of 1929 (Kumhof et al. 2015). Due to the subprime mortgage crisis, record reduction in the housing price has been prevailed in the US economy for almost 6 years (Summers 2015). With successive stimulus package and through policy reforms, US government has gauged the situation largely; however, according to the purview of the economists, the country is yet to face another GFC like situation. Through this report, an economic article Are we heading toward another subprime mortgage crisis? published in CNN will be discussed from the perspective of various economic tools like supply and demand, scarcity, elasticity and comparative advantage. The report is meant analyse and understand the language and tools of economic analysis of a contemporary economic news article and find out how economic tools are used in economic news reports. The selected article highlights the US subprime mortgage situation, where it has portrayed the pre 2006 and present situation with through the analysis of difference in key economic factors. The report has pointed that the US economy is presently facing gap in the demand and supply due to rise in price and substantially ineffective demand (Poole, 2018). In addition to this, the report highlights that though there is governmental presence to support any market failure in present day, lack of principal in the market economy is yet to bring in crippling blow to the economy. This would not only affect the comparative advantage that the US housing enjoys at present days, moreover hamper the US insurance sector too. Lastly, it is important to highlight that the report argues lack of active participation of the Fed and rise in rate of interest in successive quarters is aimed to encourage foreign investment, however volatility is constraining the same from moving in. It will not only hamper the US economy in future but also can bring in another financial crisis within coming years. Theoretical economic concepts according to the article: The chosen article is based on the economic theories like supply and demand, elasticity, trade and comparative advantage. From the idea of distortion in the housing price and housing demand promote that there is certain demand and supply gap in the US housing market (Glaeser and Gyourko 2018). Besides this, the article also highlights that though there is rise in price of the houses, yet the supplies hasnt increased as much it should be. In addition to this, it can also been traced from the article that during 2000 to 2006, housing price of the US market is one of the lowest in the developed nations, that provided it comparative advantage and it has sourced much needed foreign investment in the housing sector (Wagner and Wied 2017)). It has lead to raise the price further and ultimately turn into subprime mortgage bubble. From the figure 1, it can be seen that over the year since 1991, Housing price of US has been rising since 2006, and then it started to fall. This depicts that, within the period of two decades, US housing demand has also rose substantially to support the price rise and once there is market volatility, price started to fall (Ferrero 2015). Since 2013, price started to rise again, however it fails to penetrate the market as effectively as pre 2006 condition (Poole, 2018). Financial crisis of the US was mainly originated from the lack of market discipline owing to the presence of huge private investment. Excess supply of the foreign investment lead to rise in the infrastructural development and on the other hand subprime mortgage took undue advantage of this development. Due to lack of presence of government in the housing sector, price of the houses started to sky rocket and once the subprime mortgage bubble busted, it lead the insurance firms become bankrupted (Mian and Sufi 2015). As a counter measurement, Fannie and Freddie invested $200 billion in the market to prevent the failure of the Bear. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform was introduced by the Obama government and by the end of 2010; Consumer Protection Act came into force (Culp 2015). According to the xxx, Federal Housing Finance Agency was developed by the US government in order to win the confidence of the domestic mortgage industry through allocating $300 billion fund for the 400,000 homeowne rs (Markham 2015). From the economic terms, these reforms can be considered as the government expenditure, which can enhance the aggregate demand effectively to introduce growth in all the sectors. In this regard it is also important to mention that, reduction in the foreign investment in the housing sector due to volatility in the market has hampered the comparative advantage of the US housing sector. Thus, government was forced to reduce the credit score from 660 to 630 to provide loans (Agarwal et al. 2015). Economic discrepancies of the article: According to the economic theory of supply and demand, if there is rise in price, then it would lead to fall in quantity demanded (considering that the good is normal good), where as the producers will be willing to produce more output at the enhanced price rate (Azevedo and Leshno 2016). This can create the excessive supply and lead to fall in the price again. Comparing the US housing market with the supply and demand theory, it can be seen that though there is rise in price in present day, number of houses available are falling (Keyens 2016). From the figure 3, it can be seen that the housing market of the US is lacking in supply though there is rise in price as shown in the figure 2 above. According to the figure 3, it can be observed that most of the reputed cities in the US have only 1 house to sale among total available houses, though there is rise in price. This contradicts the basic law of supply and demand. Analysing the market condition from the scare resource perspective, it can be seen that housing being a normal good is inelastic in nature (Atalay et al. 2016). According to the law of elasticity, if a there is rise in price of normal good, then it will hamper the consumption slightly compared to inferior and luxury good (Harrison 2016). However, considering the case of US housing market, it can be seen that rising price of the affordable housing has effectively reduced the demand of the houses. Kripke (2018) highlights that, maiden buyers of the houses in US has fallen from 40% to 30% during last decade due to rise in price of the available houses. Conclusion: Above discussion has portrayed that with rise in the cost of houses in the US economy, and the affordable housing lobby backed by the Fed is again leading the US economy on the verge of destruction. Housing price is enhancing day by day and the gap between the supply and demand is falling apart largely. With reduction in the capital flow in the US economy it is ought to face another financial crisis. Presently with stimuli to the rise in price due to the US backing in the affordable housing project, the economy is yet to face another breakdown because credit rating is low that has stopped the capital inflow and volatility in the market is another factor that can lead to deterioration of the situation. Reference: Agarwal, S., Chomsisengphet, S., Mahoney, N. and Stroebel, J., 2015. Do banks pass through credit expansions? The marginal profitability of consumer lending during the great recession. Atalay, K., Barrett, G. and Edwards, F., 2016.Housing wealth effects on labour supply: evidence from Australia. Mimeo, University of Sydney. Azevedo, E.M. and Leshno, J.D., 2016. A supply and demand framework for two-sided matching markets.Journal of Political Economy,124(5), pp.1235-1268. Culp, C.L., 2015. OTC-Cleared Derivatives: Benefits, Costs, and Implications of the'Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act'. Ferrero, A., 2015. House price booms, current account deficits, and low interest rates.Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,47(S1), pp.261-293. Glaeser, E. and Gyourko, J., 2018. The economic implications of housing supply.Journal of Economic Perspectives,32(1), pp.3-30. Harrison, J., 2016.Law and Economics in a Nutshell. West Academic. Keynes, J.M., 2016.General theory of employment, interest and money. Atlantic Publishers Dist. Kripke, P. (2018).Are we headed for another housing collapse?. [online] New York Post. Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2018]. Kumhof, M., Rancire, R. and Winant, P., 2015. Inequality, leverage, and crises.American Economic Review,105(3), pp.1217-45. Markham, J.W., 2015.A financial history of modern US corporate scandals: From Enron to reform. Routledge. Mian, A. and Sufi, A., 2015.House of debt: How they (and you) caused the Great Recession, and how we can prevent it from happening again. University of Chicago Press. Poole, W. (2018).Are we heading toward another subprime mortgage crisis?. [online] CNN. Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2018]. Summers, L.H., 2015. Demand side secular stagnation.American Economic Review,105(5), pp.60-65. Wagner, M. and Wied, D., 2017. Consistent Monitoring of Cointegrating Relationships: The US Housing Market and the Subprime Crisis.Journal of Time Series Analysis,38(6), pp.960-980.